Eutaw Forest HOA
Planning to SELL your home???
Please take a moment to read through the necessary items you will need to consider in order to comply with our HOA bylaws as well as Maryland state laws.
1. Please notify the board via email that you are planning to sell your home and that you are in need of a resale package. Please check with your realtor or title company first to be sure they haven't already done this on your behalf.
2. Upon request and receipt of payment, a board member will conduct an inspection of your home (exterior) to be sure you are not in violation of any covenants. Any violations will need to be corrected, or reported to the buyer so they are aware of any corrections that will need to be completed upon purchase of the home. You will receive a compliance letter, this letter is good for 3 weeks from the date on the letter, after that date a new inspection must be requested.
3. The board will provide you with a written letter stating current status of dues and compliance our covenants. Our resale package has a fee of $100. Payment is required prior to receiving the resale package. Payment can be mailed by check or paid via PayPal to eutawforest20603@gmail.com. Your title company should be familiar with these packages and with how to work out the payment between buyer/seller.
4. It is the responsibility of the seller to provide the new homeowner with a copy of the homeowners association handbook. One can be printed from our website, owner's current handbook may be passed on, or you may request another printed copy of the handbook.
Planning to RENT your home??? Will your home be vacant???
Whether your home is vacant, awaiting sale or renters, or being rented out, it is the legal responsibility of the homeowner to comply with covenants. This means, if your tenants are not in compliance while living in your home, YOU are responsible.
Possible suggestion is to give a copy of the handbook to your tenant so they are aware of the covenants and bylaws. You could also write this into your rental agreement.
Vacant homes need attention too! Just because you aren't living there, doesn't mean the grass doesn't need to be cut and mail doesn't accumulate. Please make arrangements to see that your home is not a burden to your neighbors while it is vacant. The owner of the home is legally responsible to be in compliance, even if they are not residing at the home.