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notices have all been sent out-please feel free to pay via Pay-Pal or by mailing a check to 

Eutaw Forest Homeowners Association

P. O. Box 238

Pomfret, MD 20675




We now offer several options to pay the yearly $75.00 HOA dues:

To ensure your dues are properly recorded, please include the Eutaw Forest property address in ALL correspondence.

1. Pay directly with your credit card through our website.  The “Buy Now” link will direct you to PayPal.  Please note that there will be a $3 service charge for Paypal transactions in addition to the $75 HOA fee.

2. Mail your check to EFHOA  P.O. Box 238  Pomfret, MD 20675. 

3. At the end of the quarterly HOA Board meeting. give your check directly to the Treasurer or President.

4.  If you would like to pay via your bank account, please login to Paypal via a new window and pay using "friends and family" to You must pay using your bank account with this option, or will be invoiced and additional service fee to cover the cost of a credit card transaction.     

Your 2024 dues is now past  due 


After this date the Eutaw Forest HOA will forward delinquencies to our attorney and all legal expenses will be added to the $75 HOA fee.

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